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Certified Forensic Death Investigator Program - AFI-LLC Newsletter March 2021
New Commentary: The Certified Forensic Death Investigator Program
Once you have earned your CFDI, you will enhance any Criminal Defense Investigator skills,
and all CDITC and other preeminent certifications and experiences to bring your Criminal
Defense Investigations to a new level of advanced knowledge and skills for the most
demanding Criminal Defense Investigations areas – involving Death and Serious Bodily
Injury (SBI) incidents. You will also have unique access to collegial networking and
continuing education.
The CE requirements include forensic death investigation and criminal defense investigation,
and are available from several sources, and skills of the CFDI. These include submitting redacted
case reports, fact and expert testimony specific to the CFDI, providing CFDI related lectures and seminars, being
published with related articles, and attending related seminars, webinars and conferences. We will also be offering CE
modules exclusively to CFDIs.
-- continued at
Associates in Forensic Investigations - Standards of Practice and Ethics
The issuance of a license does not provide assurance to a client of the experience and services of the investigator. The
basics to assurance are: 1) Licensed in the state or jurisdiction in which you are operating (if applicable); 2) Have a
permitted or otherwise lawful purpose; 3) Your activity must be lawful; and 4) Your activity and purpose must be ethical.
Read our Agency Standards of Practice at
Read our Agency Ethics at
FREE Distance Learning Webinar for March:
PI, Attorney and Client Relationship Ethics
Each month one of our core training videos is FREE to download and view, or listen to
as a podcast.
Preview all of our training webinars on your YouTube channel.
This Month:
>> PI, Attorney and Client Relationship Ethics
Understand the ethics of private investigations - as an investigator, consumer or client.
Ethics are professional standards that investigators must follow, particularly if retained by an attorney as their agent. A
violation of ethics can harmful to a case or relationship, even professional licensure can be disciplined for a violation. For
these reasons, it is important that all parties to the relationship are made aware of these ethics and are guided by them.
Our agency has operated for over 25 years in Colorado, an unlicensed state until 2012 (voluntary, as was our agency)
and mandatory in 2015. During this time it was greatly misunderstood that ethics applied to investigators - even a
District Court judge ruled that without licensure there are no private investigator ethics in Colorado. This refutes that
ruling and informs the student - from consumer to attorney, and interested to veteran private investigator - that there
are ethics that must be followed and apply to both investigator/consumer and investigator/attorney relationships.
Ethics serve both professional and consumer protection. Only facts obtained ethically can be evidence - facts without
ethics is not evidence.
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