Page 5 - AFI-LLC November 2018 Newsletter
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                     "Death and Serious Bodily Injury Investigation for the Professional Investigator"
                     AFI-LLC is offering our latest - and very detailed book (over 200 pages) - on Investigating Death & Serious Bodily Injuries for
                     civil or criminal cases, "Death and Serious Bodily Injury Investigation for the Professional Investigator" by Dean & Karen Beers.

                     Regularly for $95 plus shipping, save 25% - email us today and we'll ship your book tomorrow! Just $75 via PayPal.
                     This guide is over 200 pages and includes the core of our distance learning course manual. It includes over 20 additional
                     forensic, death and serious bodily injury based articles. You will learn how to conduct death and SBI investigations to better
                     advise your client, and prepare the case for expert consultation - and we are prepared to be your affiliated experts!
                     Contact us now - for book and ordering details - or visit
                     Case Studies from AFI-LLC                                                             Buy the book - A Survivors' Guide to
                                                                                                           Understanding Death Investigations
                     We are often asked about the types of traumatic injury and death cases we review - from
                     family equivocal deaths to civil and criminal cases for attorneys and investigators. Each
                     month we will present two previous cases - of hundreds - with a variety of circumstances,
                     evidence, and conclusions.

                     Criminal Defense - Child Sex Assault (Legal Investigation)
                     Our agency was retained by counsel on behalf of the defendant.  In reviewing the
                     available prosecution discovery, it was immediately determined that the official
                     investigation was deficient and poorly conducted; it was incomplete.
                     The initial investigating officer followed procedure in taking the report and conducting initial interviews. He also contacted the on-call  Books, Tools and Resources for PIs!
                     detective, who did not respond.  A detective was assigned to the case after several days.  Several key investigative opportunities were
                     missed.  These opportunities were neglected with charges brought forth by inconsistent statements of the victims and witnesses.
                     Moreover, when the assigned detective did take a role, efforts were spent only on validating the initial officer’s findings, and not any
                     independent investigation.  It was only after the prosecutor’s office returned the case, requesting additional investigation, was this done.
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