Page 6 - Investigative Courses Catalog
P. 6 Catalog (updated 05/06/2024)

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                                  Now featured on the Vimeo platform for a better experience!

                  *See our Association Partners Program for 25% member discounts and association revenue sharing!
                     Check with your certification and license provider for CE approval (1.0 CE per webinar hour).

                                  Click any image to view the course details and register online

               Evidence Inspection &         Scene Investigations in Death & SBI     Understanding Death / SBI
         Documentation + DNA Collection            Investigations (1.0 CE)              Investigations (1.5 CE)
                      (5.0 CE)

         - What is Evidence Inspection      - Why your scene investigations are   What will students learn in your
         &Documentation?                    important to your investigation.      course?
         - Why is it important?             - Learn what to look for and why.     - Role of the Private Investigator
         - What is needed?                  - Learn key points to consider.       - Investigative Protocols
         - What is the process?             - Learn points to ponder.             - Cause and Manner of Deaths
         - Best Reporting Practices                                               - Post-Mortem Assessment and
         - DNA Collection & Documentation                                         Signs of Death / SBI
         - Case Studies                                                           * included in full Equivocal Death &
                                                                                  SBI Investigations For PIs course

            Practical Methods for Legal          Motor Vehicle Death & SBI           Advanced Concepts of Due
              Investigations (2.75 CE)             Investigations (2.5 CE)         Diligence Investigations (8.5 CE)

         An Investigative Protocol          - Why Investigate Motor Vehicle       - Includes Basic Locates,
         - Conduct and complete legal       Collisions                            Backgrounds and Assets
         investigations, from routine to    - Evidence & Injuries of Unrestrained &   - Advanced Concepts of Individual
         complex.                           Restrained Occupants                  Locate Investigations
         - Learn the basics and foundation of   - Related Forensic Investigative   - Advanced Concepts of Individual
         the Protocol.                      Techniques                            Background Investigations
         - Learn the skills, goals, and     - Motor Vehicle Investigation Cases &   - Advanced Concepts of Individual
         responsibilities of the Protocol.   Scenarios                            Assets & Liabilities Investigations
         - Learn the components of                                                - BONUS Basic Concepts of
         teamwork.                                                                Individual Due Diligence
         - Learn the basic steps of the                                           Investigations
         Protocol in detail.

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