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Photographic Documentation - AFI-LLC Newsletter May 2021
Is YOUR Association Participating? Associations Member Discounts and Donations to Associations
We welcome the Iowa Association of Private Investigators (IAPI) and their members! Visit
to join and visit for special member discounts and association revenue sharing
donations. Several other state associations are expressing interest – be sure and tell yours you want a higher discount
and revenue donations for your association!
Indiana Association of Professional Investigations (IAPI) and Ohio Association of Security & Investigation Services (OASIS)
Others pending their Board approval!
Associations – Looking for Member Benefits? No Cost and Receive Revenue Sharing Donations!
New Partnerships in 2021... New Association Member Benefit!
Did you get your announcement? Details and FAQs are here –
Association members contact your association leadership for the exclusive discount code, or encourage them to join. This
Discount-Revenue Program offers the best discounts for association members, and we send a matching donation directly
to the association monthly. Contact us and ask about our Discount-Affiliate Program for Associations. There is NO cost to
any association or members!
We offer all members of any international, national or state investigative association a standard discount – contact us
for the discount code. In January we finalized our special program with larger discounts and donations to associations.
Can we welcome your association and members? We are reaching out to state, national and international associations to
put their training links at We strongly encourage you to join and support
your associations – they support you. Send an email to for details.
Over $1 Million in Life Insurance Benefits (Expert Consultation)
The decedent was found at home after having bled to death from a hand injury. The claim was denied based on the
insurance company review of only the autopsy report, and making a determination the decedent was negligent due to
alcohol intoxication. The findings from the forensic autopsy were originally Suicide and Cause of Death due to stab /
incised wounds of the right hand, and intoxicated. The Manner of Death was changed from Suicide to Accident before
the claim was filed and denied. The insurance determined decedent negligence and denied the claim.
-- What happened? See more details and outcome at
Unusual Rural Gunshot Death - Homicide or Suicide? (Expert Consultation)
The circumstances themselves were unusual – alone in his truck, in a very remote area, and only a rifle found by the
responding deputy – in the backseat, on a pile of personal effects with the muzzle towards the decedent in the driver’s
seat – and had been fired. The decedent had a gunshot entrance wound in the left chest – not consistent with the
trajectory of the rifle. None of this made any sense to the family. They provided all the records, reports and photographs
provided to them by the Coroner’s Office and Sheriff’s Office.
-- What happened? See more details and outcome at
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