Page 12 - Together We Are Better - AFI-LLC Newsletter December 2021
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Together We Are Better - AFI-LLC Newsletter December 2021
Congrats Matt Spaier – PI Magazine Investigator of the Year
Incredibly honored to receive this award. So many people to thank who have helped me get here. First and foremost, I
Thank GOD for all the amazing blessings. I’m just an average kid from NJ with no law enforcement experience. This truly
is an amazing honor! Thank you, PI Magazine!
… and …
PI Magazine’s Top PIs of 2022 (NALI Members)
(Val Vail-Shirey – NALI Executive Director)
PI Magazine also announced their Top PIs to watch in 2022 and 7 NALI members were among the 13 selected. PI
Magazine wanted to identify and recognize those professional investigators who are truly the leaders within our
Kelly Riddle
John Lajoie, CLI
Kitty Hailey, CLI
Andrea Orozco
Stephanie Savoy
John Hoda
Dale Dorning
-- details for all these recognitions in this issue of
This Day in History (from November)
Starting in June 2021, we began presenting these noted days in history as may be interesting to fellow investigators.
Follow the link to each story – as most have hidden gems and tidbits. These include PIs solving crimes, early and modern
forensics, posthumous findings to a conviction, etc. We hope you find these interesting and historical events of interest.
Hendricks Family is Brutally Murdered (11/07/1983)
David Hendricks, traveling in Wisconsin, calls police in Bloomington, Illinois, to request that they check on his house and
family. According to Hendricks, no one had answered the phone all weekend and he was worried. When the police and
neighbors searched the home the next day, they found the mutilated bodies of Hendricks’ wife and three children, all of
whom had been hacked to death with an ax and butcher knife. Because there was very little sign of a struggle or forced
entry, police thought the crime scene was suspicious. But the search was inconclusive, and Hendricks’ alibi—that he had
left for Wisconsin just before midnight on November 4—appeared solid.
-- What did the forensics tell? Continued at
Sunday School Teacher Murders His Family and Goes Undercover for 18 Years (11/09/1971)
John Emil List slaughters his entire family in their Westfield, New Jersey, home and then disappears. Though police
quickly identified List as the most likely suspect in the murders, it took 18 years for them to locate him and close the
case. Local law enforcement officials had essentially given up looking for List, who had assumed a false identity.
What popular TV show helped capture him?
-- continued at
Accused of Rape, James Montgomery’s struggle for Justice Begins (11/15/1923)
Mamie Snow, a mentally disabled white woman from Waukegan, Illinois, claims that James Montgomery, a Black
veteran and factory worker, raped her. Montgomery, who was promptly thrown in jail, spent more than 25 years in
prison before his conviction was overturned and he was released.
-- Threats, Bigotry, Withheld Evidence - continued at
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