Page 16 - Conversation 3
P. 16

(8) The works


               A phrase that means everything. Learn more here




               Hello. Welcome to The English We Speak, where we explain phrases used by fluent English
               speakers so you can use them, too! I'm Feifei, and I'm joined by Georgie.

               Hi Feifei! How are you doing?

               I'm actually feeling really rested after the weekend, Georgie. I treated myself to a spa day with a
               friend. We spent time in the sauna, had a massage, got our nails done - the works!

               Feifei, that sounds so relaxing – I'm so jealous! So, you used the phrase 'the works', which is our
               expression in this programme. Can you explain why you used it?

               Sure. So, when I said 'the works', I meant 'everything', or all the possible extras or items you
               might expect from a situation. You can go to a spa and just relax in the steam room for example,
               but me? I did all the activities and used all the facilities – the works! We can use 'the works' in
               lots of different contexts, can't we? Georgie, can you give us another example?

               Yes, sure. So, my weekend plan involved a picnic in the park. Lots of people came which meant
               there was a lot of food to share. We had sandwiches, salad, olives, crisps, sausages, fruit, and
               even chocolate – the works!

               Wow. That sounds like a lot of food. Let's hear some more examples of 'the works' from our
               BBC Learning English colleagues.

               We threw my dad a party for his 70th birthday and it had the works – games, loads of food, we
               had a band – everything!
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