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Project Update:  Whelk Research Fleet                                              CFRF BOARD OF
         The latest installment of the Research Fleet                                         DIRECTORS
         model, the Whelk Research Fleet, has been well
         underway and sampling since the spring fishery                                        Fred Mattera
         kicked off this year. The Whelk Fleet consists of                                       President
         eight commercial whelk fishing vessels spread                                    Commercial Fisheries Center
         across southern Massachusetts and Rhode Island                                        of Rhode Island
         and includes vessels from Martha’s Vineyard, Mid
         -Cape, New Bedford, and throughout Narragansett                                       John Kennedy
         Bay. Fleet Members randomly sample pots out of                                        Vice-President
         three strings of fishing gear, on three trips,                                 The Washington Trust Company

         throughout each month fished. Specifically, Fleet                                    Christopher Lee
         Members speciate and record shell width and                                             Treasurer
         height for every whelk caught in the randomly                                       Sea Fresh USA, Inc.
         selected pots. In just the short few months since
         the spring fishery began, the Whelk Fleet has                                         Katie Almeida
         already recorded data from over 2,000 whelk from                                      The Town Dock
         the commercial fishery. Ultimately this data will
         feed back into both states’ management effort for                                      Donald Fox
         the combined knobbed and channeled whelk                                           Blue Harvest Fisheries

         fishery as we continue to work collaboratively                                        Jeffrey Grant
         with state fishery departments, and the whelk                                      Commercial Fisherman
         fishing industry across Southern New England.
         Please visit the project webpage for more                                           Jonathan Knight
         information.                                                                          Superior Trawl

         New Project:  Removing Ghost Gear From Rhode Island Waters                          Michael Marchetti
                                                                                                F/V  Mister G
         Fishermen report piles of lost fishing gear, also
         known as ghost gear, near Rhode Island fishing                                    Christopher Roebuck
         ports and coastal waters. This project begins to                                    F/V Karen Elizabeth
         implement a plan to remove this ghost gear from                                      F/V Yankee Pride

         these areas. The project will train fishermen to                                     Mark Sweitzer
         safely remove gear, combining best practices
         with local knowledge and skills. All retrieved                                       F/V Erica Knight
         fishing gear will be sorted at shore and owners                                       Jon Williams
         of any tagged gear will be contacted, with all                                     Atlantic Red Crab Co.
         efforts made to recycle retrieved gear. For this                                   Narragansett Crab Co.
         pilot removal project, we will focus on
         fishermen-identified and camera-confirmed                                            CFRF STAFF
         locations within Narragansett Bay. We will also
         maintain and share a database of retrieved ghost                                 N. David Bethoney, PhD
         gear on the project webpage. The removal and                                         Executive Director

         disposal of retrieved ghost gear will begin                                           Terry Winneg
         during the first quarter of 2023, and potentially                                    Business Manager
         continue through 2024.  Visit the project
         webpage here for public meeting announcements                                       Steve Arnott, PhD
         and outreach materials.                                                              Research Associate

                                                                                             Aubrey Ellertson
         New Board Member: Jon Williams,                                                      Research Biologist
         Atlantic Red Crab & Narragansett Crab
                                                                                             Thomas Heimann
         We are excited to publicly welcome our newest board                                  Research Biologist
         member, Jon Williams. Jon started his career as a
         Maine fisherman and is now the president of both the                                Susan Inglis, PhD
         Atlantic Red Crab and Narragansett Crab companies.                                   Research Associate

         Founded in 1996 and based out of New Bedford, MA,                                     Michael Long
         the Atlantic Red Crab Company has a processing                                       Research Biologist
         facility and a fleet of approximately 14 vessels that fish
         for red crab and other benthic species. The company has                                Noelle Olsen
         long been an industry leader in promoting sustainable                                Research Biologist
         harvesting practices including self-imposed harvesting
         guidelines that can be more restrictive than those                                  Hannah Verkamp
         directed by the New England Fisheries Management                                     Research Biologist

         Council. In 2021, Jon expanded his operations to Rhode                                Katie Viducic
         Island when he opened the Narragansett Crab Company in Point Judith. We look forward to   Research Biologist
         Jon’s guidance and working with him on matters related to sustainable fisheries research.

          Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation                                                                                 November 2022 Newsletter
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