Page 2 - SABCO Brochure USA
P. 2

INSTALL                                                                                            15 mm
                                                                                                             + or -
         IT FIT

                                                                            2   GLASS

                                                                                 SABCO’s wedge system
                                                                                 aligns the glass for a quicker
                                                                                 and easier installation.

            1    CLADDING
                 WITH SEAL
                                                                            3    ONE SIDE
                                                                                 ONE STEP!

                                                                                 Easy adjustment thanks to the
                                                                                 clamps, no other installation
                                                                                 requirements except tightening!

         WHICH SYSTEMS                                                             2

         FOR YOUR PROJECTS?                              2



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                        CHOOSE                            COMPLETE IT!                          FINALIZE
                   YOUR BALUSTRADE                     Once the profile has been             YOUR SOLUTION
                For the installation of your glass   selected, you must complete the     Our engineers have developed a
               balustrade, SADEV® is able to offer   assembly of your guardrail with the   wide range of cladding to meet you
                 you a large choice of systems.      corresponding shims and joints.      specific project requirements.
              To choose the right profile according to    Choose the shims according to the   SABCO’s cladding range is
               of your project, it is necessary to take    thickness of the glass.        compatible with one side and
               taking into account these 3 criteria:  The choice of joints will be made   double side wedges as well as with
                  A  the type of application          according to the shims used.       our complete SABCO balustrade
                  B  the fixing surface               All our accessories are tested           product range.
                  C  the type of installation               and approved.
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