Page 9 - The Fierce of Corona Virus
P. 9
“Yes of course,” I answered abruptly, “right
Mama?” I turned around and looked at my mother
with pleading eyes. “Yes…Yes.. you are always
welcome here Alex. You are a son to me and I
cannot bare to let you stay alone in your house.”
Alex jumped and hugged Mama Nida tightly.
Two days later, Alex was so depressed and
disappointed. His mother was still in the hospital
fighting with COVID-19. He said his Mom was severely
ill, in fact she was intubated in the Intensive Care
“This is impossible!” Alex said, exasperated.
“Mom was very healthy, she always washed her
hands with Alcohol. She never went out without
wearing facemask and face shield. When she go to
the supermarket, she always maintain social
distancing how come she was positive? Where did
she get this COVID-19?”