Page 2 - Prime Brilliant Minds Academy E-Magazine
P. 2


             Education truly is one of the best
             legacy a child could ever inherit, and
             the PBMA founder, who was raised
             in an authentic Filipino culture,
             envisioned to aid every Filipino
             family by catering a venue that will
             yield life-long wealth. Henceforth,
             Prime Brilliant Mind Academy was

             Aside from the family values that
             PBMA as an institution upholds, we
             also cling to the philosophy that
             every learner, young or old, fast or
             challenged, has special capabilities
             that manifest only when properly
             nurtured, trained, and optimized.
             And for these very sincere reasons,
             PBMA, then continuously thrives
             to acquire, transfer, and radiate
             excellence in every corner of the

             We want every learner to discover,
             unleash, and optimize his or her
             potential, and to receive quality
             technical and vocational skills
             training that is globally competitive.
             We want every learner to even
             contribute further to a nation that
             is leaning toward self-sufficiency,
             and we want every learner to stand
             tall and carry-on confidence to
             oneself for being a vessel of skills
             and knowledge which are
             applauded by all.

             And we want all of you, learners,
             to experience and possess the
             true tradition of excellence at its
             finest. Here at PBMA, we assure you
             that no time and effort are wasted.
             We assure you that facilities are
             top-of-the-line and that equipment
             are world-class. So come and
             allow us to be a part of a major
             transformation that you can boast
             wherever life leads you!

             Amparo Y. Primicias
             School President
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