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Shopping Tips

    MADE  IN  ESTONIA.    Tallinn  off ers  visitors  a  huge  range  of
    shopping  possibilities  from  big  malls  and  department  stores
    all  over  the  city,  to  tiny  boutiques  and  cozy  galleries  nestled
    quietly in the Old Town.  You’ll fi nd a wide range of well-known
    international brands here but there is no reason to avoid locally
    made products.  Estonia excels in many areas including interior
    design, textiles, jewellery, handicrafts, art and fashion.

                                       Foto: Paul Kuimet / City of Tallinn
    BEAUTIFUL SHOPPING.   The Old Town off ers a unique and
    diverse shopping experience.  While strolling  from boutique to
    shop to small shopping centre, don’t forget to look up as the
    Old Town is a certifi ed architectural treasure trove (the whole
    of Old Town is a protected UNESCO World Heritage site).  The
    Old Town setting makes Tallinn one of Northern Europe’s most
    beautiful and architecturally diverse shopping experiences.

    CASH OR CHARGE.   Estonia is a Eurozone country; for other
    currencies you will need to exchange.  Currency exchanges can
    be found at the airport, port and around the city centre. Most
    Hotels also off er exchange services.  Virtually all  shops accept
    credit cards and will require ID on larger purchases.
    BARGAINING.  Suggesting a lower price than the one on the
    price tag will get you a curious look in most shops.  But you can’t
    be faulted for trying.

    HOURS.  Most shops are open seven days a week though they
    may close somewhat earlier on weekends.

    TAX FREE.  Tax Free shopping is possible in Tallinn.
    You must, of course, be eligible. Watch for the Tax
    Free symbol in shops.
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