Page 139 - B.INGG_SISWA -8 K 13 ACC
P. 139

Observing & Asking Questions

                    1.  Edo: “This is a plastic bag. It is good. But the cotton bag is better.
                       It is more expensive.”

                    2.  Dayu: “Fatima got a B in Math. But she got a better mark in English.
                       She got an A.”

                    3.  Udin: “My shoes are good. I bought them for seventy thousand
                       rupiahs. But my father’s shoes are better. He bought them for two
                       hundred thousand rupiahs.”

                    4.  Siti: “A T-shirt with a picture on it is good. But I think a T-shirt without
                       a picture is better. I like plain T-shirt.”

                    5.  Lina: “My handwriting is good and clear. But my mother’s hand-
                       writing is better and clearer.”

                    6.  Ratna: “Getting a bad mark is bad. But cheating is worse. It is not

                    7.  Mariska: “These oranges are bad. They do not look fresh. But these
                       mangoes are worse. They are rotten. You cannot eat them.”

                    8.  Thomas: “Smoking is bad. But smoking in public is worse.”

                    9.  Firman: “This small comic is bad for children. But, the big one is
                       worse, because there are many bad words in it.”

                    10. Andi: “The road was bad. And after the flood, it certainly became

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