Page 149 - B.INGG_SISWA -8 K 13 ACC
P. 149

Observing & Asking Questions

                              We will work in groups. We will play the
                              roles of the speakers in the conversations.

                                           Here are what we will do. First, we will listen and
                                           repeat the conversations after the teacher, one by
                                           one. Second, in the group, we will play the roles
                                           of the speakers. Third, we will correct each other’s

                                We will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly.

                  This is me when I was a baby. I was        This is me and and this is Rani in Grade
                  three point four kilograms and fifty        VII. We were not close friends at that
                 two centimeters long. Now I am fifty         time. We did not study together. We
                   kilograms and one hundred fifty             never played together. Now we are
                  centimeters tall. I was bald. I had no      best friends. We study together, play
                      hair. Now I have long hair.               together, and cry together, too.

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