Page 155 - B.INGG_SISWA -8 K 13 ACC
P. 155

Collecting Information

                         to–             Present              Past              –ing

                  to be              is                 was               being
                  to be              am                 was               being

                  to be              are                were              being
                  to have            have               had               having

                  to study           study              studied           studying
                                                        did not study
                  to play            play               played            playing

                  to cry             cry                cried             crying

                  to carry           carry              carried           carrying
                  to collect         collect            collected         collecting
                                     do not collect

                  to give            give               gave              giving
                  to go              go                 went              going

                  to look            look               looked            looking
                  to play            play               did not play      playing

                  to do              do                 did               doing
                                                        did not do

                  to lose            lose               lost              losing
                  to like            like               liked             liking

                                                        did not like
                  to explain         explain(s)         explained         explaining

                                                        did not explain

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