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P. 168

Collecting Information

                               WHEN SHE WAS SMALL                 NOW AS A TEENAGER
                           - Her school __________ near      - Her school __________ 2
                             her home.                         kilometers from her home.

                           - Other people __________ many    - She __________ many things to
                             things for her.                   other people.

                           - She __________ most of the      - She __________ most of the
                             time.                             time.

                           - She _____not_____ the chores.   - She __________ the chores.

                           - She _____not_____ the bed.      - She __________ the bed.
                           - She _____not_____ the           - She __________ the furniture.
                           - She _____not_____ the clothes.  - She __________ her clothes.

                           - She _____not_____ the clothes.  - She __________ the clothes.
                                                             - She __________ the floor every
                           - She _____not_____ the floor.
                           - She _____not_____ to the        - She __________ to the shop.
                           - She _____not_____ for the       - She __________ for the family.
                           - When she __________             - When she __________
                             something, everybody else         something, she __________ it
                             __________ it for her.            herself.

                                                Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell  161
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