Page 85 - B.INGG_SISWA -8 K 13 ACC
P. 85

Observing & Asking Questions

                                             There are different kinds of public
                                           transportation: buses, trains, ojeks,  and
                                            angkots. There are some traditional
                                          transportation: becaks, bentors, andongs,
                                                       or delmans.

                              Our roads are not safe now. There are
                             many people who cross the roads,  but
                             there are many people who drive very
                             fast. There is little care, so there is very
                                   much worry on our roads.

                                            In big cities, there is much smoke from
                                           the vehicles. You can say, there is much
                                           air pollution. So, there are very few stars
                                             in the sky there. There are a lot more
                                                   stars in small villages.

                             In many places, there are not many trees
                               any more, so there is too much water
                              during the rainy season, and too little
                                  water during the dry season.

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