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P. 159

Observing & Asking Questions

                                Day 1                                  Day 2

                    When I was a baby, when I could         When I cried, they calmed me
                    not do anything, my parents and          down. When I was afraid of
                    my elder brother took care of me.      something, they comforted me.
                   My brother is five years older than   My dad often carried me around in
                    me. I didn’t sleep with my mum.       the morning sun. When I got older,
                   I slept in a baby cot in my parents    they spoonfed me. I played with
                    bedroom. My brother slept in his      my brother. I was naughty, but he
                   own room. My mum breastfed me          never got angry with me. He was
                             for two years.                     very patient with me.

                                Day 3                                  Day 4

                    I started my kindergarten when        In the classroom, my teacher read
                      I was five years old. I did my      us stories.  We sang happy songs,
                     kindergarten for two years, one        we coloured pictures, and we
                     year in Kindy A and one year in       played with dough and colorful
                     Kindy B. My kindy was near my          paper. In the playground, we
                    home. I walked to my kindy with      played sliding, we ran around, and
                   my mum or my brother. Sometimes         we also played hide-and-seek.
                       I went with my dad on his

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