Page 67 - B.INGG_SISWA -8 K 13 ACC
P. 67

Observing & Asking Questions

                What are you doing                               May I use the paper to
                with the jacket, Siti?   Can I wrap it later?   wrap my gift? I just need
                                         We don’t have                a half of it.
                                         enough paper.

                                                                     Sure. Cut it into two,
               Hey, that’s Edo’s jacket. He just                     please. Here are the
                   bought it for himself.                                  scissors.

                  Edo, may I wipe my
                hands with this cloth?                    Dayu, may I use your
                                                        ribbon to put on my gift?

                                     Of course.
                                                                         Sure.  I’m done with
                                                                              my gift.

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