Page 90 - B.INGG_SISWA -8 K 13 ACC
P. 90

Observing & Asking Questions

                                  We will read the lyrics very carefully to understand the
                                  message. We will use some sentences that will guide us to do
                                  it. The sentences contain important messages in the song.

                      Here are what we will do. We will work in groups. First,
                      we will read the examples and the guiding sentences
                      that contain messages carefully. Second, we will
                      copy the examples and the guiding sentences in our
                      notebook. Third, we will discuss to find the parts of the
                      lyrics that contain the given messages. Then, every one
                      of us will handwrite the lyrics in our notebook. Finally,
                      we will discuss the answers with our teacher.

                                         We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and
                                         use the punctuation marks correctly. We will also say
                                         each word loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any
                                         problems, we will ask our teacher for help.

                       1.  The writer believes that love is in the heart of every person.
                          -   There’s a place in your heart
                          -   And I know that it is love
                          -   There’s love that cannot lie
                          -   Love is strong
                          -   It only cares for joyful giving

                       2.  Love in your heart will make you happy, not sad, and the world better.

                       3.  Love in your heart will make you aware that there are many people
                          who are not as lucky as you.

                       4.  The writer invites you to care for other people and try to make the
                          world better.

                                                Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell  83
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