Page 2 - YEARBOOK 23.24
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Hello AISF Community!

          This AISF electronic yearbook has a short but important history.  My first year at AISF was 2019-20, the
          year that COVID-19 hit.  By April 1, the school was closed, our families were scattered across the globe,
          and we were desperately trying to figure out online learning!  It was a strange and disorienting time
          for many as we endured lockdowns, airport closures, social-distancing, masks, endless handwashing
          and sanitizing, and so it went.  The 2019-20 edition of this yearbook was an attempt to bring a bit of
          joy and normalcy to the AISF community at a difficult time!  We have continued the tradition ever

          The yearbook is a repository of memories and acts as record of a year in the life of this small school
          with a big heart.  Whether you be family, or friends, or a student yourself, we hope that you enjoy this
          glimpse into AISF 2023-24!

          There are many joys to living in an international community, but it also means far too many good-
          byes.  To all of those families leaving us at the end of this year, we wish safe travels and much
          happiness!  We hope that you will remember your time at AISF with fondness.

          I would also like to recognize Eliza Wildman, our Grade 1/2 teacher, who is moving on after three
          years here at AISF.  Her passion, enthusiasm, and sense of humor will be much missed here at
          AISF…and much appreciated at her new school in Penang!  Safe travels, Miss Eliza!

          And, after five years at AISF, it is time for my wife, Elena, and I to say our goodbyes.  It has been a
          pleasure working with AISF students, faculty, staff, and families to offer what we hope has been a
          great educational experience here in Freetown. It seems strange to think that I have been writing
          yearbook introductions since 2001 and this might just be my last.  So…farewell and may our paths
          cross again!

          To you all, I wish a happy summer and school vacation!

          Brian Roach
          AISF Director
          June 2024

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