Page 30 - YEARBOOK 23.24
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We have had a great year of exploring, discovering and sharing our learning with our friends, peers, school community and parents.

          This year we have learnt a wide variety of topics, from how our amazing brains and bodies work, the history of chocolate, extreme environments, biomes, deforestation and the Ancient Greeks. These topics have enabled us to
          learn through a wide range of subjects: Science, Social Studies, Technology, History, Geography, Music, and International.

          Some of our highlights have been... baking chocolate treats, visiting the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary and World Book Day celebrations. We have also loved collaborating on various activities with the ECC and Grades 1& 2.

          Sadly, we have to say goodbye to some of our friends who are moving on to different countries, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. We are all looking forward to the summer after a busy year and look
          forward to coming back in September refreshed and ready to learn, grow and make new friends.

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