Page 17 - YEARBOOK
P. 17

ECC had a blast this school year with so much learning and playing. We started the first trimester with an IEYC unit centered on learning our similarities and differences as individuals. We went on some exciting field trips, and students enjoyed
 exploring the city of Freetown. One of our favorite trips was going to Banana Island. We visited a school on the island and met with some students and teachers. My students had to do some gardening classes in their second trimester and that
 was fun as most of them has a good time getting their hands dirty. The others planted sunflowers that didn't require much dirt. We wrapped up the year by learning about stories and books in general. These wonderful children did one last project
 by writing their own books from scratch. They made up characters, decided on themes, plots, settings, styles, and points of view. During our last exit point, they presented and read their books to their parents and some members our school
 community. It was phenomenal!

 I wish all my students and their families a magnificent summer holiday and hope to see returning students in September. To Gabe, Raleigh, Journey, Khadija, Soleil, Zinachiamaka, and Lola who have left or are leaving Salone and of course AISF, I
 wish you all the very best in your next adventure.

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