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Hello AISF Community!

          The greatest joy of the past school year has been the return to normal after all the disruptions and

          restrictions of the past three years. It’s a simple pleasure just to be (mostly!) mask free and to resume

          school activities and events as…normal!
          This year has seen a student directed performance of Antigone Now, a plethora of special events,

          numerous exit points, a growth in our after-school program, and lots of learning and lots of fun. We

          have also hit a post-Ebola high of 88 students. That’s still tiny but definitely the most since 2013!

          At this time of year, it is important to say thank you. First, a huge thank you to the parents who trust us

          to guide and educate their children—it truly is an act of faith! Thanks so much to the teachers and
          assistants who are with our students in happiness, in sadness, and in learning. I would like to thank

          AISF’s Board of Directors, led by Karim Kone, for their patience, wisdom, and support! Equally, I would

          like to thank the US Embassy for its unfailing support and assistance to the school. And lastly, I would

          like to thank the children who make the task of running a school worthwhile!

          There are many joys to living in an international community, but it also means far too many good-byes.
          To all of those families leaving us at the end of this year, we wish safe travels and much happiness! We

          hope that you will remember your time at AISF with fondness.

          I would also like to recognize Ben DeCoste, our Middle School English and Social Studies teacher, who is

          moving on after five years here at AISF. He has been devoted to the learning and well-being of the

          students in his care. Farewell Ben!
          To you all, I wish a happy summer and school vacation!

          Brian Roach
          AISF Director
          June 2023

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