Page 3 - My Lockdown Diary
P. 3

new, where success is never guaranteed; but we know all that glitters is not gold. Maybe
               there's momentary success in adopting other thoughts, but in and in, we are pushing ourselves

               a hundred years back, in respect to what it should have been.

               Today when India is at 75, the global picture as a nation can be clearly viewed. We have
               progressed a lot in the past few years and taken strides in overall development. Nearly every
               sector, we have touched and set up milestones. Be it becoming world’s fourth strongest Nation
               in terms of Army, to kissing the Mars in its first attempt; everywhere India has emerged as a
               nation amongst nations. But whatever great success we achieved as a nation, was possible
               only because we believe in us, Swadeshi was our vision and we envisioned to proceed with full
               determination.  History  evidences  that  it  at  times  India  has  been  self-reliant,  believed  its
               integrity  and  forwarded  taking  no  any  foreign guidance;  it  has  created  history.  Its  being

               Aatmanirbhar that will make India survive this world, because we know Survival is only for the
               Fittest. But how shall we achieve it? How if shedding all foreign dependencies? The simple
               answer to this lies in the word ‘Aatmanirbhar’ itself. Making self-reliant India does never mean
               cutting all foreign links and being isolationist; because in that way we’ll end up in nothing but
               mere  backwardness, sorrow and discrimination. We need to be self-reliant,  in a way, keeping
               at  par  with  the  Global  standards;  so-that  India  as  a  nation  rises  from  backwardness  of
               discrimination, illiteracy, poor-health and ignorance, to be a leading power, with one-and-only
               vision of “Aatmanirbhar Bharat”. Aatmanirbhar is the call for a confident India, which can rest
               on its strength and contribute to the Global along-with being “Vocal for the Local”.

               So let’s not limit our vision, looking the sky is very high to reach and build ourselves, pouring
               in our mind- ‘the sky is not the limit’ ; and conquer that sky. Hence its a collective call to all, to
               be self-reliant, even amidst thousand problems; because ‘he who can listen to music in the
               midst of noise can achieve great things’. Let's make it a Revolution and let no luring derail us
               from the vision. Many will stand against, mocking of how can a Nation like us having such
               internal diversity, shed-off all its dependencies and at this stage, having been in the system so
               long . Let’s not get disheartened and ready ourselves to strike-back because, this is the land of
               great sons and daughters, who have contributed to the glory of the nation; and now its the
               same  Nation  hoping  to  fight  for  the  right.  Let’s  prove  the  critics  wrong,  making  them
               understand, this is new India, her children are we and  together can put all our creations to
               contribute towards being a superpower with the call “Aatmanirbhar”. Let the world see- this

               is new India, don’t expect us sitting with begging-bowls, hoping to get a penny.

               Its true its difficult but never impossible. Although perfection is never attainable but if we
               chase perfection we can catch excellence. Let the world see how we remake India on the
               grounds of Swadeshi and Aatmanirbhar.

               यथा चित्तं तथा र्वािो    यथा र्वािस्तथा क्रिया ।।

                   -  As is the mind, so is the speech; as is the speech so is the action.
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