Page 5 - NAHEFFA NEWSLETTER Summer 2020_Neat
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solely on account of religious identity imposes school pervasively sectarian?” toward “Would
a penalty on the free exercise of religion. Th e excluding an entity from receiving this public
Court distinguished its 2004 holding in Locke v. aid solely on religious status violate the Free Ex-
Davey which upheld as constitutional the State ercise Clause?” and “Is the public aid provided
of Washington’s decision not to fund degrees in as part of a ‘neutral government program?”
devotional theology as part of a scholarship pro-
gram. The key distinction was that Davey was The timing of this decision may be helpful as
denied the schol- many parents struggle to find the right early
arship because of childhood development and schooling alterna-
what he proposed tives for their children and schools scramble to
to do (training a fi nance the modified facilities, equipment and
minister to lead technology needed to enable children to safely
a congregation return to school and to best learn remotely when
being an essen- physical return to the classroom is not possible.
tially religious A local church’s school will have available to it
endeavor); not the conduit revenue bond fi nancing programs
because of who available to other private schools.
he was. In Trin-
ity Lutheran, the Scott Waller is a shareholder and director of the
school was denied law firm Gilmore & Bell, P.C. His practice focuses
the shredded-tire on tax-exempt financing transactions for health and
educational institutions and other nonprofi ts.
playground grant
because of what it
was (a church) even though its intended use of The views expressed in this article are views of Mr.
Waller and may not be views of Gilmore & Bell, P.C.
the playground was the same secular purpose as
the other applicants.
In Espinoza, the Montana Legislature estab-
lished a tax credit program for those making NAHEFFA HIRES NEW
donations to a scholarship fund under which OPERATIONS DIRECTOR
the scholarships could be used by students for
private school tuition. The Montana Depart- Sherrie Wise joins NAHEFFA
ment of Revenue promulgated a rule, based with a background in associa-
on anti-sectarian aid language in the Montana tion management, conference
Constitution, that prohibited families from us- planning and execution, and
ing the scholarships at religious schools. Th e Su- public finance governmental relations.
preme Court held the no-aid clause violated the
Free Exercise clause of the Federal Constitution. As Operations Director, Sherrie will coordinate
Building upon its decision from Trinity Luther- NAHEFFA’s conferences and sponsor program;
an, the Court provided: “A State need not sub- prepare and distribute our communications in-
sidize private education, but once it decides to cluding newsletters, website updates, surveys
do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools and webinars; and maintain Member relations
solely because they are religious.” with committee involvement and membership
Trinity Lutheran and Espinoza have shift ed the
legal inquiry from “Does providing public aid Contact Sherrie at info@naheff
to a religiously affiliated entity violate the Es- (833) NAHEFFA / (833) 6243332
tablishment Clause?” and “Is this elementary
6009 West Highland Drive, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814 | (833)NAHEFFA | info@naheff |5