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At ThruFlow™ we believe that a                     4    Easy to assemble

                        lesser price point shouldn’t mean                  4    Maintenance free
                        fewer features or lower quality.
                        The Impact Series include the same                 4    Non-slip
                        traits that make our Legacy panel                  4    UV-resistant
                        such a success with consumers:                     4    Lifetime Limited Warranty


                                MATERIAL                Base material is non-reinforced virgin polypropylene

                                   SIZE                                 1’ x 3’, 1’ x 4’, 1’ x 5’

                               THICKNESS                                All Panels 1.2” thick

                                  LOAD                All panel sizes exceed 1300lbs load capacity surpassing
                                                             the commercial construction requirements

                                COLOURS                                  Light Grey, Maple
                              PROTECTION                           Industry leading UV protection
                                                          On a per sq. ft. basis, ThruFlow™ is 70% lighter
                                                               than other decking products: 1.4lbs/ft 2

                          LIGHT PENETRATION                                     50%

                                 SAFETY                          360º engineered non-slip surface
                                                                       3’ panel - 18” centers
                             SUBSTRUCTURE                              4’ panel - 16” centers
                                                                       5’ panel - 15” centers
                              THRUFLOW     TM                        Lifetime Limited Warranty

                          Visit to learn more or contact your local dealer at:

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