Page 6 - Wealth of Wisdom 2017
P. 6

On entering a shoe-shop a large pile of shoes catches the eye straightaway. They are piled in a mess. Clogs, stiletto heels, boots, hiking shoes,  ip- ops; in short, shoes in all sizes, models and colours together form this pile. Nowhere in the shop there is a spot where the shoes are arranged neatly and clearly. It is just an incredible chaos. It takes a long time to  nd shoes that form a pair; they are messed up.
The heap of shoes, of which the colours do not match, give off an energy that does not feel pleasant. It looks as if a stretch of fog forms, so that the vision gets hazy and blurry.
In the language of the World of Wisdom a shoe is the symbol of a viewpoint. And you always  nd viewpoints in your own thinking hat. You already saw that there were lots of shoes of all sorts and colours; both men’s shoes and women’s shoes, elegant, threadbare and worn shoes.
This shows that no one can say: ‘I am free of viewpoints’.
Every man has several viewpoints in his thinking hat and these viewpoints can actually hinder you in your progress to full consciousness.
For a viewpoint is never your own, but was planted in your thinking hat at a young age. A baby was not born blank, only its thinking hat is blank, and everything that that child has been told, is being stored in the thinking hat and as time goes by, a tangle of all kinds of viewpoints is being formed in that thinking hat.
These viewpoints have been provided by parents, uncles and aunts, grandparents, the neighbourhood, school and also by the church. The best thing would be to get rid of these viewpoints, so that the thinking hat gets a little emptier and you start seeing what really is part of you.
For the man who is looking for a broader perspective of himself, a larger consciousness, who feels the urge to progress, that man is constantly being drawn to his own thinking hat. And then that man wants to abandon the thinking hat, but whenever that man wants to concentrate on something, the thinking hat comes in between, making him slightly chaotic. Everyone recognizes this.
So if you want to make progress on your path, it is a matter of knowing what your viewpoints are, but also to let them go, leave them behind, as if you were saying: okay, these were the viewpoints of my parents, but they are not mine, away with them!
That is how you clear your own thinking hat.
The moment you are fully conscious, you have a direct line from your essence to your thinking hat and then only thoughts can arise that are being fed by your essence. Then you get a totally different perspective of the world, you no longer depend on other people and you feel a freedom in yourself. That shows how important it is to scrutinize your viewpoints.
Somebody who has made some progress on his path and who has picked up a certain viewpoint, can even hear in his mind whose viewpoint it is, for example his father or his mother and in what situation that happened.
They thought they were doing well to pass them on to him. But they are the viewpoints of the parents and not of the child. The child is only bothered by them. This does not mean that these parents were bad; it is only because these parents also were on their way and did not know any better, for their thinking hats, too, were being fed by the viewpoints of their parents and that goes back to earlier generations.
Perhaps you can imagine that every viewpoint in your thinking hat has different colour vibrations of different people. This is also shown by these shoes in all their colourings.

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