Page 8 - Wealth of Wisdom 2017
P. 8

I see a dark blue car with its headlights on. It has no wheels, and its body is on the ground. Chickens have found refuge in the vehicle, and there are bits of hay on the seats and  ooring. A chicken is on the rear shelf and another on the back seat. The chickens cackle constantly, making an enormous amount of sound that can be heard clearly outside, through the closed windows.
When we speak of a car, you know already that we are speaking about the body, the vehicle of your essence, enabling your essence to travel, following its path towards full consciousness and to the lesson that has to
be learned brought along. You also observed that the car could no longer move and that it had no wheels, condemning it to immobility. Dark blue also shows this, as it is a colour linked to immobility and blockages. This does not mean that all of you are in the dark blue vibration. This is only to show that we desire to look at the kinds of situations in your life that lead to immobility in your development. There are periods where you are doing well, discovering constantly; but there are also periods in your life in which you have the feeling, Okay, I am alive, but not really living.
This is immobility.
We do not want to make you feel depressed, this is the last thing that we have in mind. But such a period can last a long time, and sometimes you have no idea what is happening. For example, you may have come in contact with the lesson that brought your essence into this life. You might think, I don’t want this, I close the door on
my essence. From there, man can  nd himself in immobility. You might also  nd yourself in a certain situation, think back on it later, and realize that something happened in that situation but you are not sure what. ‘Something made me close up and sink into lethargy.’ It may also be that your immobility stems from a need to rest. If a lot has happened, man needs time to put order in it all. It could also be a period of mourning in which you think you feel absolutely no need to see anyone. ‘Leave me alone, that’s  ne for me now.’
Therefore, depending on the person, there are all sorts of possibilities in which you will see, experience, and know that you are in a period in which you are stuck and incapable of moving forward. And you are the one to know this best.
You already saw that it was an old car, this symbolizes that this is something old in you, and is therefore why it produces itself several times in your life. When looking back on your past, do you  nd certain periods where each time you sunk down deeper in the ground, deeper in matter? Where you thought, I don’t know what life still has to offer me.
It’s a thread present in your life that confronts you to the lessons and possibilities, to your character, to the remarks and re ections of others around you, etc. You can battle in your thinking hat, with all the transmitted rules. These are moments where all this re ection and all that happens in your thinking hat can sometimes be very tiring.
You saw that there are several possibilities, several escape roads. But all this is such a personal matter, and it is therefore impossible to give a general idea of what is in play.

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