Page 352 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 352


                      demonstrates an understanding      sews household linens using

                      of and skills in sewing household   appropriate tools and materials   prepares project plan for household linens                  Week 3
                      linens                             and applying                      identifies supplies/ materials and  tools needed for the
                                                                                           2.1  drafts pattern for household linens
                                                                                               2.1.1  steps in drafting pattern
                                                                                           2.1.2      safety precautions
                                                                                           2.2  sews creative and marketable   household linens as
                                                                                                                                                        Week 4
                                                                                                means to augment family income
                                                                                           2.3  assesses the finished products as to the quality
                                                                                                (using rubrics

                                                                                           2.4 markets finished house hold linens in varied/
                                                                                           creative ways                                                Week 5
                      demonstrates an understanding      preserve food/s using             explains different ways of food preservation (drying,
                      of and skills in the basics of food   appropriate tools and materials   salting, freezing, and processing)
                      preservation                       and applying the basics of food    uses the tools/utensils and equipment and their             Week 6
                                                                                           substitutes in food preservation/ processing
                                                                                           preserves food applying principles and skills in food
                                                                                           preservation processing
                                                                                           conducts simple research to determine market trends
                                                                                           and demands in preserved/ processed foods
                                                                                                                                                        Week 7
                                                                                           assesses preserved/processed food as to the quality
                                                                                           using the rubrics
                                                                                           markets preserved/processed food in varied/ creative
                                                                                                                                                        Week 8
                                                                                           ways with pride
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