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TRENT His parents divorced when he was Trent performed in plays and sang Trent decided to take his acting ca reer
young and when his father stopped in singing group in high school seriously and moved to New York
WALKER’S paying child support his mother went and col lege and in his second year where he studied acting with some
at the University of Tennessee he was
to work as a sales clerk in a drug sto-
of the greats including Uta Ha-
re to make ends meet. discovered by a talent scout from gen and Sandy Dennis. After some
Elite Models in Dallas Texas who
off Broadway plays and a recurring
STAR Trent learned at an early age that offered him a chance to beco me ro le on “One Life to Live” he moved
if he wanted new school clothes
to Los Angeles to pursue a career
a mo del. Trent auditioned and got
or to ta ke a date to a school dan cast as a Singing Cowboy at Six Flag in film and television.
CONTINUES ce, he’d have to make some extra over Texas in Arlington while he put Hollywood took notice of his ta lent
together his modeling portfolio.
money. He mowed lawns, opened
a snack stand after school, delivered It didn’t take long for his modeling and cast him in some of his most
TO SHINE phone books, and became a master career to take off because on his third memorable first film roles including
day in Texas he landed a Dr. Pepper
at having yard sales.
The Rebel Prisoner “fighting for his
seems to be your Boogle?” Guard
Since he had an interest in per for- campaign. rats” in “Gettysburg” and the “What
ming, he’d often gather up friends Soon he’d be appearing in ads for Ni in “Demolition Man”.
from school or neigh bor kids ke, Ocean Pacific, Frito Lay, Samsoni te,
to be in ta lent shows and produc Neiman Marcus, Calvin Klein, and just More television and films roles
tions he staged in the fa mily garage. about every department store you followed in titles such as “Gods
can think of. and Generals”, “The Expert”, “Su perHigh,”
The Cannes Film Awards recently named Trent Trent was inspired by Dolly Parton “Threads” and recently out on Ama zon
Photo Exact Digital: and thought “Dolly had less than After a few years of modeling Trent Prime “Alone Wolf.” Due out later this
“Best American Actor” for his role as Hank Andy Rooney we do, so if she can make it, so can I”. moved to Nashville where he wor- year are “Sorry Wrong Text”, “Autumn”
So, with the power of positive thin ked in the music business, appeared and his new web series “Twisted Brot-
in the short film “Hank & Holly Meow”. He is not only king and visualizing what he wanted in Re ba McEntire’s video “Sun- hers”. His short film “Hank & Holly
in li fe he got to work on his dream day Kind of Love” and became a ta- Meow” can be viewed on his YouTube
one of the film’s stars he also wrote the screenp of becoming a professional singer lent agent. One of agencies clients channel as well as many other clips
and actor. happened to be Reese Witherspoon from his tv and movie roles.
lay which has won a “Best Screenwriting Award” and he found himself in acting class
doing scene work with Faith Hill. Critics have called Trent “Poig-
and “Best Romantic Comedy Award” from the “Blu nant!” — Variety, “Classic” — Di
ver sions, “Fascinating” — The Daily
Hill Film Festival” and has been recognized by ma- Beacon, and LA Weekly says, “Trent
Walker is white trashtastic”.
ny other top film festivals around the world.
Trent also continues to sing
and wri te music. His first album
“Absolutely” can be found on iTunes
and he is currently in the studio
finishing his second album.
rent’s currently web series Trent is also an accomp lis hed sin- Hollywood took notice
T “Gay bors,” available to watch ger/songwriter and has just re Trent in an example of what hard
on YouTube, is now on its second sea leased a new single “Don’t Let The Cat of his talent and cast work, determination and gratitude
son and has been the winner of “10 Out.” with an animated music video MUA: Kishihara Sachie can do. He has never shied away from
Best TV/Web Se ries Awards” inclu- available to watch on his YouTube him in some of his most sticking to his dream and he belie
ding the “Hong Kong Indie Fes tival,” channel. Trent grew up in Tennes Art Jewelry: ZooLina Art by PAVEL ves in showing up, doing his best
“Mumbai Internatio nal Film Awards,” see with dreams of singing and acting memorable first film @zoolinaart and enjoying the ride along the way.
and the “Indo French Inter national Film for a living and even as a kid he knew
Festival” to na me a few. he’d never work in a nor mal ni ne roles including
to five job.
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№3 | 2021
365 ART +