Page 120 - Ankur Magazine 2022
P. 120
I Love my India
Kashmir for beauty
Delhi for duty
Mysore for silk
Haryana for milk
Bengal for writing
Punjab for fighting
I love my India,
East or West India is the best.
Ishanpreet Kour (V-B)
My Perception-My Wisdom
Why am I not accepted ?
Why am I not accepted? Why am I not cherished? I promise I will be
Why am I not cherished? Are you really hard- Better than him.
Why don’t they let me hearted? Why am I not accepted?
come out? Are you really Why am I not cherished?
Why can’t I live in this unsympathetic? Why am I ignored?
beautiful world? Why do you kill me? Why am I disliked by you?
Only because I am a girl? Why do you hate me? I will change your life
I too want to grow Why are you happy? With coming of new dawn
I too want to fly When I am dead? And that’s is only possible
Like others in this world, I wish I could born When I am born!
Why am I not accepted? And say mom and dad Vedanshi Sharma (V-J)
Spheres of Life
My name is Mayra Nargotra. I am currently studying in class X-I. I am really fervent to write up to
you and seize the chance to unveil my cup of tea to compose poetry of my own. All the work that you
will discover in a few pages is the art of my mind, heart, pens partnership that results out astonishing
altogether.If you might cudge up your brain about the reference of the name sunshine Penslt, it’s just an
artistic name, I have been using to showcase the difference of my life in various spheres.
Mayra Nargotra (X-I)
Empowering Change
They live most of their lives,
Being totally ordinary,
And one day unexpected happens.
They burst from cocoons in a blaze of colors and become utterly extraordinary.
It is the shortest phase of their lives,
But it holds the greatest importance.
It shows how empowering change can be.
Prikshit Mahajan (III-J)