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7/18          M97/February 2018  Reinsurance

                         Table 7.2: Boilerplate clauses
                         Notice clause       Sets out how notice required by the agreement shall be given, i.e. in writing either by fax
                                             or email, and to whom the notice should be sent.
                         Intermediary clause  Identifies, and provides contact details for, any intermediary or broker on the contract.
                                             Importantly, it requires all communications – which, on occasion, is drafted to include
                                             payments – to be transmitted through that broker.
                                             The version used in US business typically provides that payments by the reinsured to
                                             the broker shall be deemed to constitute payment to the reinsurer, whereas payments by
                                             the reinsurer to the broker shall be deemed to constitute payment to the reinsured only
                                             to the extent that such payments are actually received by the reinsured.
                         Termination of      Provides that the reinsured may terminate the role of the intermediary at any time during
                         intermediary clause  the contract by giving written notice. If notice is given, it is usually agreed that brokerage
                                             is deemed earned pro rata up to the date of the notice after which its entitlement ends.
                                             The reinsurer agrees to cooperate in the change of broker.
                         Confidentiality clause  Prohibits the reinsurer from disclosing confidential information to another unless it falls
                                             within prescribed categories, or the parties otherwise agree.
                                             Confidential information has been defined to include all documentation, information and
                                             other data provided by the reinsured to the reinsurer in connection with the placement,
                                             execution or performance of the reinsurance contract. Excluded from this definition
                                             would be information in the public domain or information otherwise known to the
                                             reinsurer before the placement of the reinsurance.
                                             Of course, in the ordinary course of its business, a reinsurer will be required to make
                                             various regulatory and financial returns, and wish to claim in turn on any retrocession. It
                                             is always open for the parties to extend the categories of those to whom information
                                             may be disclosed.
                         Amendments and      States the means by which the parties are entitled to make changes to the contract
                         alterations clause  which, in the example given below, is by correspondence as well as addendum:
                                                 This Agreement may, at any time, be altered by mutual consent of the parties,
                                                 whether by addendum [that is, Broker’s Slip endorsements] or by
                                                 correspondence, and such addendum or correspondence shall be deemed to  Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                                                 form an integral part of this Agreement.
                                             This clause would not assist a party seeking to argue that the contract had been
                                             modified by subsequent verbal agreement.
                         Severability clause  Attempts to ensure that a provision which is found to be invalid, illegal or otherwise
    7                                        unenforceable does not imperil the entire contract.
    Chapter              Entire agreement clause  Limits the parties’ rights and obligations to those set out in the contract and specified

                                             documents alone. The clause helps to dissuade a party from later arguing that the
                                             parties had agreed to other terms that are not explicit, such as oral representations,
                                             emails, memoranda or other documentation.
                         Non-waiver clause   Notes that the failure by one party to insist on the other’s compliance with a particular
                                             provision of the contract does not constitute a waiver (or a giving up) of that right or
                         Several liability clause  Explains that a reinsurer’s liability is limited to the extent of its participation. In other
                                             words, liability under the contract is several (or separate) and not joint. So, a reinsurer
                                             has no obligation to pay the share of a defaulting co-reinsurer.
                                             According to the MRC standard, this clause is mandatory for subscription business and
                                             resides in the security details section of the MRC.

                         Before you move on to examine clauses used only in proportional wordings, make sure that you can summarise the
                         different clauses that are common to proportional and non-proportional reinsurances.
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