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1/10          M97/February 2018  Reinsurance

                        Like insurance companies, a Takaful company has a need for sound reinsurance arrangements. In this
                        system, reinsurance is known as reTakaful. In situations where the provision of reTakaful is inadequate
                        to meet the needs of Takaful operators, the rules of Shariah law may allow them to deal with
                        conventional reinsurers.

                        B6 Captive insurance companies
                        Changing risk management practices have resulted in more risks being retained by organisations rather
         More risks being
         retained by    than being passed on to insurers. A key mechanism in this shift has been the captive insurer: a
         organisations  risk-bearing entity controlled or owned by an organisation whose primary business is not that of
                        insurance. The captive is then in the same position of needing reinsurance for all of the reasons that a
                        primary insurer would have, namely those listed in section A.
          Refer to chapter 9,  There are isolated instances where an insurance entity enjoys a relationship by ownership with a
          section C for more
          on captives   ‘captive’, although this is rare.
                        In recent years, the number of captive insurance companies in existence has grown significantly, with
                        specialised regional bases being developed to support their operation, for example, Dublin, Luxembourg
                        and Bermuda. Along with other ART mechanisms, captives have greatly altered the make-up of the
                        insurance industry landscape.
                         Research recent developments in the captive insurance industry and the likely impact of Brexit. You could use the
                         following websites as starting points: and

                        B7 Mutual insurance companies

                        Although they have largely disappeared from the insurance arena, passing mention should be made of
         Mutual insurance
         companies are owned  mutual insurance companies which are owned by their policyholders, who share in the profits of the
         by their policyholders  company by means of lower premiums or preferential cover. In theory, the policyholders are liable for
                        losses made by the company; in reality, mutuals are limited by guarantee. This means that the maximum  Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                        liability of a policyholder is usually limited to the premium paid. Over the years many mutual have
                        become proprietary companies as a result of the process known as demutualisation.

                        B8 Reinsurance companies
                        The term ‘professional reinsurance company’ is used to describe those companies that only underwrite
                        reinsurance business. As specialist sellers of reinsurance, they obtain business through brokers in
                        addition to establishing direct relationships with their clients.
          Refer to chapter 2,  These professional reinsurers need to buy reinsurance protection, known as retrocession, for their own
          section B for
          retrocession  accounts, to provide for liabilities in excess of their own underwriting capacity and so protect
                        themselves against potentially crippling losses.

                         Consider this…
                         Can you think of two companies that could accurately fall under the heading of ‘professional reinsurers’?

                        B9 Reinsurance pools

                        Reinsurance pools have been formed on both a national and a regional basis to handle particular types
                        of reinsurance. Pools are multi-reinsurer agreements under which each reinsurer in the pool assumes a
                        specified portion of each risk ceded to the pool. They buy reinsurance as a means of protecting their
                        trading results.

                         Before you move on, make sure you know the reason why each of the groups of buyers listed above would want to
                         purchase reinsurance.
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