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vi            M97/February 2018  Reinsurance

                                        Chapter 6 self-test answers

                        1.  ‘Horizontal’ limitation refers to restrictions in the number of reinstatements available, while ‘vertical’
                           limitation describes each layer of cover in the treaty being limited in amount, except when unlimited
                           cover applies.
                        2.  A surplus treaty.
                        3.  Any two from:
                           • administrative ease;
                           • simplified premium calculations;
                           • convenience when the individual accounts are small.
                        4.  Risk premium; external costs; internal costs; profits.
                        5.  ‘Development’ or ‘triangulation’ statistics are important in ‘long-tail’ classes of business because
                           they allow the reinsurer to predict the financial cost of a claim by applying the anticipated eventual
                           loss experience for each underwriting year between a loss being reported and its settlement.
                        6.  Any three from:
                           • for all firm quote and firm order open market insurance and reinsurance business placed by
                             London Market brokers;
                           • for all marine open cargo covers and attaching declarations;
                           • for all declarations or off-slips attaching to line slips;
                           • for applicable declarations off limited binding authority agreements, with the agreement of the
                             coverholder, brokers and insurers.
                        7.  • Grading all current and proposed security.
                           • Setting and monitoring aggregate exposure limits to each reinsurer.
                           • Monitoring market news and developments for information with security implications.  Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
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