Page 380 - M97TB9_2018-19_[low-res]_F2F_Neat2
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xxii          M97/February 2018  Reinsurance

                         purpose of, 1A                             implied, 8D
                         sellers of, 1D                           territorial scope clause, 7B1B
                         soft market, 9D2                         terrorism, 9F
                         State, 1D4                                 Australia, 9F1D
                       reTakaful companies, 1D5                     Canada, 9F1E
                       retrocedant, 2B1                             Europe, 9F1C
                       retrocession, 2B                             international perspectives, 9F1
                         features of, 2B3                           UK, 9F1A
                       retrocession market, 2B                      USA, 9F1B
                       retrocessionaire, 2B2                      top and drop protections, 5A4
                       reverse profit commission, 4C4             trade credit, 11J1
                       risk                                         types of reinsurance purchased, 11J1A
                         acceptance of the, 6C3A                  treaty reinsurance, 2A2
                         accumulation of, 10A3                      advantages of, 2A2B
                         excess of loss, 10C2                       combinations of, 6A2
                         retention groups, 1A2A                     contract wording, 7A2
                         retention, individual, 10A1                disadvantages of, 2A2C
                         spread of, 1C3                             exclusions, 7E
                         transfer, 1A1                              factors determining the choice, 6A1
                       risks attaching during (RAD) basis, 5B1      uses of, 2A2A

                       S                                          U

                       salvage and subrogation clause, 7D8        umbrella excess of loss, 5A4
                       Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 9B3  underwriting
                       security, 1A3                                capacity, 1A2
                         Committee, 6C2A                            non-proportional reinsurance, 10C
                         considerations for reinsureds, 6C2         original limits, 5C3                         Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                       sellers of reinsurance, 1D                   policy clause, 7B4B
                       sidecars, 1D7, 2C1D                          proportional reinsurance, 10B
                       simultaneous settlement clause, 7D11A        year accounting, 4B1
                       sliding scale commission, 4C3              Unique Market Reference (UMR), 7A
                       Solvency II, 9B2                           UNL clause, 7D3
                       special acceptances clause, 7B1D           US market, 9B3
                       special termination clause, 7B1C           utmost good faith, 8A1A
                       State insurance corporations, 1B3
                       State reinsurance companies, 1D4
                       stop loss treaty, 5A2                      W
                       sunset clause, 7D10E                       war and terrorism exclusion clause, 7E3
                       surety risks, 11J2                         warranty, 8C1
                         underwriting considerations, 11J2A       workers’ compensation, 11E
                       surplus treaty, 4A2                          differences with EL insurance, 11E2
                         advantages of, 4A2D                        reinsurance issues, 11E1
                         disadvantages of, 4A3                      types of reinsurance purchased, 11E4
                         operation of, 4A2A                         underwriting considerations, 11E3
                         second, third and fourth, 4A2B           working covers, 5A1D
                         use of, 4A2C                             working excess of loss cover per event (WXL/E),

                       Takaful insurance, 1B5
                         reTakaful, 1D5
                       taxation advantages, 1A7
                       termination clause, 7C3B
                         express, 8C
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