Page 10 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 10


                        THE JAZZ SIPPER

war, arranged for them to be brought into the United States. His father was in
some kind of special unit called the Green Berets. He taught his son all the
skills he learned about overcoming his enemies, like focusing and pressure
points to attack. Techniques when applied right could kill a person instantly
and his son Babu was an avid learner. Babu was at camp awaiting trial for a
murder he was alleged to have committed during a robbery gone badly. His
hustle was robbing small time dope dealers at gun point, but this time a
struggle ensued and he supposedly lost his gun. It should have been a game
changer with the advantage going to the drug dealer but Babu was not your
ordinary robber he was a trained assassin that was taught to kill with his bare
hands by the age of 10. Babu claimed what had happen had been self-
defense. Babu’s parents had both died of aids from intravenous drug use in
the streets. So, Babu was an award of the state.

  Vance was sent to camp because he was deemed to be an at risk juvenile
delinquent. And if left unchecked he would eventually make it into one of
Louisiana notorious penitentiaries, the most famous of them all was Angola
State Prison. Jail house folklore had it that one guy escaped and was caught
days later still on Angola property, that’s credit to the size of the place. Angola,
the Louisiana state penitentiary is the largest maximum-security prison in the
United States. It houses some 5,000 men, three quarters of them black and
85 percent of whom will die within its walls. The 18,000-acre penitentiary sits
on the site of a plantation that derived its name from the area in Africa that
provided the slave labor for that area. Angola at one time, was one of the most
violent penitentiaries in the United States. The housing areas consist of the
Main Prison Complex, which houses approximately 2,500 inmates and five
out camps (Camps C, D, F, J, and the Reception Center).
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