Page 16 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 16


                        THE JAZZ SIPPER

what he thought was someone preaching, for a moment before he got all of
his faculty’s back, he thought he was in church then he notice his Aunt Jessie,
she was praying out loud and praising God and he noticed that they were in
a strange room and he had all kinds of machines hook up to him. He tried to
speak but his throat was dry, he found himself whispering to Aunt Jessie, she
told him that he was in the Hospital and that he had been shot multiple times.

  At that moment more than any other moment he could remember, he could
see how strongly his Aunt Jessie and his mother resembled each other.
Vance whispered that he was in a lot of pain, Aunt Jessie said, if you think
you’re in pain now, just wait until you get home mister. And they both just
smiled. Just about that time the nurse and a beautiful girl about his age walked
in, the nurse greeted Aunt Jessie and Vance and introduced herself as Nurse
Brown and that Regina was a nursing student assisting her during the
dayshift. And she and Nurse Brown would be Vance’s attending nurses for
the next three days while she was on duty. Nurse Brown stated that she ran
a tight ship and that it would be no port call unless Vance behaves. They all
started laughing.

    Aunt Jessie decided that this was good time for her to go home and clean
herself up and to check on things around the house even though Uncle Frank
had been doing that and bringing Aunt Jessie what she needed, she still
wanted to leave the hospital for a while, and Nurse Brown seemed to have
everything under control. Nurse Brown was a middle age black woman that
had sons of her own that were around Vance’s age, she had a calming no
nonsense motherly way about herself.
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