Page 71 - 2025 ITS Catalogue
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          RETAIL SKILLS AND                   HOSPITALITY AND                    EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS
          SUCCESS                             CUSTOMER SERVICE                   AND WORK READINESS

          Level:    2                        Level:    2                        Level:    2

          Credits:   20    Cost    $450      Credits:   17    Cost    $450       Credits:   21   Cost    $450

          - Programme #: 127740              - Programme #: 127743               - Programme #: 127742
          The aim of this micro-credential is to   The aim of this micro-credential is   The aim of this micro-credential is to
          provide learners with an opportunity   to provide learners with the skills to   provide learners with employability
          for students to get real hands-on   work in hospitality, retail or travel and   skills and to enable learners to be
          experience working within a retail   tourism. Learners will develop skills in   work ready. Learners will develop
          environment. Learners will gain skills   communication, sales and customer   communication and problem-solving
          and knowledge in stock handling and   service, and gain knowledge of   skills, and self-management and
          safe working practices, customer   essential safe work practices and food   time management strategies to
          interactions and meeting customer   and safety requirements.           successfully function in the workplace
          needs, product information and                                         environment.
          management of theft or fraud in a   This micro-credential targets learners
          retail environment.                currently in high school (Gateway   This programme targets learners
                                             programme), unemployed, youth/      currently in high school (Gateway
          This programme targets learners    rangatahi (16-19 years), those      programme), unemployed, youth/
          currently in high school (Gateway   graduating from Hospitality and    rangatahi (16-19 years) or those with
          programme), unemployed, youth/     Customer Service micro-credential,   disabilities who want to prepare
          rangatahi (16-19 years), those wishing   those wishing to change career or   themselves for entering the workforce
          to change career or re-enter the   re-enter the workforce, or those
          workforce, or those with disabilities   with disabilities who want to   NZQA unit 377 v9 | 2 credits
          who want to prepare themselves for   prepare themselves for entering the   Demonstrate knowledge of diversity in
                                                                                 the workplace
          entering the workforce.            workforce.
                                                                                 NZQA unit 9677 v11 | 3 credits
          NZQA unit 11971 v8 | 3 credits     NZQA unit 14466 v7 | 2 credits      Communicate in a group/team which has
          Use safe work practices in a retail   Demonstrate knowledge of maintaining a   an objective
          environment under supervision      safe and secure environment for people                                 CORRESPONDENCE
                                             in the hospitality industry         NZQA unit 12349 v7 | 3 credits
          NZQA unit 11941 v8 | 2 credits                                         Demonstrate knowledge of time
          Establish and maintain positive    NZQA unit 14469 v7 | 2 credits      management
          customer service interactions in a retail   Provide customers with information
          environment                        about an establishment in the hospitality   NZQA unit 12355 v7 | 3 credits
                                             industry                            Describe strategies for managing stress
          NZQA unit 11938 v7 | 5 credits
          Assist customers to select goods and/or   NZQA unit 28145 v2 | 2 credits  NZQA unit 24871 v5 | 2 credits
          services                           Interact with customers in a service   Complete complex forms
                                             delivery context
          NZQA unit 28301 v4 | 5 credits                                         NZQA unit 1979 v11 | 3 credits
          Demonstrate knowledge of products   NZQA unit 11968 v10 | 4 credits    Describe an employment relationship,
          and product information in a retail   Demonstrate and apply knowledge of   and the application of employment law to
          environment                        legislation applicable to sale of goods and   that relationship
          NZQA unit 24997 v5 | 5 credits                                         NZQA unit 7123 v8 | 2 credits
          Demonstrate knowledge of theft     NZQA unit 20666 v7 | 2 credits      Apply a problem-solving method to a
          and fraud in a retail or distribution   Demonstrate basic knowledge of   problem
          environment                        contamination hazards and control
                                             methods used in a food business     NZQA unit 62 v10 | 3 credits
                                                                                 Maintain personal presentation and a
                                             NZQA unit 28301 v4 | 5 credits      positive attitude in a workplace involving
                                             Demonstrate knowledge of products   customer contact
                                             and product information in a retail
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