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him in for an interview. He told Jack that for the most part the talk was good but he had confused one of the men by a certain answer. Swami then described the situation in detail, and Jack was amazed by Swami’s accuracy.
Even though many of us intellectually know that Swami is omnipresent and omniscient, our minds simply do not grasp the events that demonstrate it. Jack asked, “But Swami, you were not there. How did you know this?” Swami said, “I was there.” Jack asked, “In what form did you come? Did you come as a personal deity, such as Ishwara?” Swami replied, “I am omnipresent and thus, everywhere at all times. I am conscious of all things and am with you at all times.”
Wanting Jack to expound on the subject, I asked him if he thought it possible for us to aain that level of consciousness. Could we actually become aware of everything at all times, be omnipresent, omniscient, and filled with boundless love? “Yes, I know it’s possible.” Jack continued, “I have faith that it can happen in an instant. Aer all my experiences with Swami, I have come to believe that the path is to hold close to Swami. We must keep constant company with him; hold onto him with every breath at every moment and never let go. He will take us to this level. Now my concentration is poor, and I am feeling weak. My mind wanders. Yet, with whatever capacity I have, I try holding to the hem of his robe. Even if it is for a brief period, I do the best I can. I say my mantra and practice the constant presence of Lord Sai, and he does the rest.”
I was deeply touched by Jack’s dedication to his spiritual path. Not only was he telling me of this marvelous path, but also demonstrating it in such a courageous and powerful way, while so ill and in the middle of an emergency room. Even though Jack’s body and mind were weakening, he was encouraging me to hold steady to Lord Sai. All our strength would come from him.
I asked, “Jack, isn’t it upseing for you to see your body weakened like this? You have been such a powerful person, so energetic, dedicated, and inspiring to people. Isn’t it frustrating

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