Page 11 - FAO Aquaculture News, May 2021 - No. 63
P. 11

studies per region should be selected for publication.   In 2021, the FAO Secretariat will complete the consecutive
             Overall, the past consultations have allowed to find   regional consultations through virtual platform scheduled
             common highlights of demanded thematic areas and   for the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (29–31 March),
             case study concepts on gender and youth, public-private   Near East and North  Africa (6–8  April), and North
             partnership, biosecurity, and capacity development of   America and Europe (27–29 April).
             small-scale producers/farmers, feed and food by-product,
             digitalization and monitoring, data and statistics. To this   Along with conducting a series of consultations  and
             end, the selected concepts of successful and unsuccessful   drafting the GSA, the GSA progress report will be prepared
      Global Aquaculture Updates
             case studies will be analyzed, and their valuable lessons   and presented at 11th session of the COFI/AQ in Mexico
             will be extracted. The Secretariat will apply the criteria   2021 for sharing the progress and getting advice from the
             agreed during the global expert consultation to select an   Members. The final GSA draft will be presented during
              optimal number of case studies to be developed.   the COFI 35 for Members’ review.

          PHOTO:                                                                                                      !"##$%&'()*+,-.' JC: Could you use your magic on the
                                                                                                                      following photos? Cut, shrink, etc – to make one that looks
          Caption: Screenshots of the virtual GSA meeting for Asia (C)FAO                                             nice?


             •! GSA website: !
             •! Report of the African regional consultation on the development of GSA:
             •! FAN62:!
             •! FAN61:

               Screenshots of the virtual GSA meeting for Asia.

                                                                  GSA website:
                                                                  Report of the African regional consultation on the development of
                                                                  FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 61, April 2020.
                                                                  (also available here
                                                                  FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 62, October 2020.
                                                                  (also available here

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