Page 35 - FAO Aquaculture News, May 2021 - No. 63
P. 35
appropriate strategies to cope with the pandemic and – International trade of the two farmed commodities was
similar risks in the future. more seriously impacted than domestic sales.
The investigation involved questionnaires and analysis The investigation identified the most significant specific
of data from other sources, which focused mainly on impact of the pandemic on production and operation at
the impact of COVID-19 on major links along the well- different value chain links, which include:
Aquaculture Updates by Region
established value chains. In addition, the study also tried – Holding of fish stocks in ponds was due to delayed
to capture the government interventions and measures harvesting, which hindered the next farming cycle.
taken by different actors along the value chain to minimize – Poor fish growth resulting from management
the damage of COVID-19 and support the recovery of the interruptions (for example irregular feeding) was due
sector. In order to comprehensively assess the impact of to certain epidemic containing measures.
the pandemic on different links of the value chain, ten – Cut-off supply to fish traders, which significantly
specific questionnaires were designed for survey of all reduced international orders and sales.
the stakeholders along the supply chains, which included – Financial difficulty in operations was due to increased
growout fish farmers, seed producers, fish processers, fish costs and reduced or delayed revenue.
traders and feed companies engaged in the catfish sector
in Hubei Province and the tilapia sector in Guangdong The investigation also covered the impact of the pandemic
Province. The questionnaires attempted to assess the on the livelihood of households engaged in the value chain,
immediate impact of the pandemic during the period which significantly reduced income due to lower payment
featuring strict enforcement of pandemic control measures and business revenue (for example the income of all
(January–March 2020), post-effect and recovery after catfish seed producers reduced by more than 50 percent)
strict pandemic control measures were lifted (April–July and occasioned family financial difficulty (30–40 percent
2020), and projection of impact on sectoral performance of surveyed farmers). Special attention was paid to the
for the entire year of 2020. The survey was carried out additional impact on women associated with the sector,
by the field staff from local aquaculture service agencies which mainly included the increased burden of caring for
during July–August 2020 with technical support from the and educating children and extra pressure to maintain the
FFRC team. basic living conditions of the family.
A total of 45 questionnaires were completed, with some The investigation showed that sectoral actors adopted
Strict control measures lifted
important findings summarized in Figures 1 and 2. practical measures to mitigate the loss caused by the
pandemic, which included prolonging the production
The investigation results indicated a significant difference cycle and reducing the potential loss of products and
in the impact of the pandemic on different stakeholders in marketing products in unconventional ways, such as
two subsectors. 67% direct marketing through e-commerce. The government
took appropriate strategies and interventions to support a
– The farmed catfish sector in Hubei Province has been basic living standard for people and support the normal
more severely impacted by the pandemic than the farm operations during the lockdown period, which
farmed tilapia sector in Guangdong Province. included providing “green passages” for transporting food
– Catfish farmers and fish traders are most severely commodities and key production inputs, subsidies to
impacted by the pandemic. Feed companies and fish purchase fish products by processing and trade companies,
processers were less impacted. and financial assistance to households with difficulty in
managing basic living expenses.
FIGURE 1 – Problems encountered by channel catfish growout farmers in Based on the projection of the surveyed
Problems encountered by channel catfish growout
Hubei Province. respondents, the yield of farmed catfish
farmers in Hubei Province and tilapia would be about 20 percent
lower, the production cost would increase
100% by more than 10 percent, and the profit
100% 85% 71% 91% 75% 82% 75% would be 20–25 percent lower in 2020.
Percent of respondants 60% 67% 54% 42% 64% The sales of farmed channel catfish and
tilapia would be 20–30 percent lower in
2020 than the previous year. However,
20% 25% 17% the prediction made by the experts
0% leading the national programme on the
Delayed Fish stock Prolonged Unable to start Disrupted Restricted Staff unable to industrial chain for tilapia and channel
restocking held in pond production cyclenew production normal feeding transportation travel catfish on the production and sales of
farmed channel catfish and tilapia in the
Impacts whole country is more optimistic due to
Under strict control measures Strict control measures lifted
anticipation of significantly increased
culture areas in the second half of the