Page 3 - Microwave and mmWave Interference Best Practices
P. 3
Possible Interference between 2 Systems:
1. From equipment housing one unit to
Overview that of another unit, between
components housed in the same
For any given case interference is cabinet, or among units in the same
used to describe a disturbance to any telecommunications room.
radiating equipment. The focus of this
document will be primarily on the 2. From the transmitter antenna to the
interference due to other existing radiating receiver’s equipment housing
equipment. The government requires that
3. From the transmitter’s antenna to the
all new equipment undergo a RF review to receiver’s antenna
ensure that no radio system will interfere
with the existing equipment. These 4. From the transmitter’s equipment
standards and guidelines vary across housing to the receiver’s antenna
5. As spurious signals in the power supply
Collocation of mmWave
Millimeter-Wave radio is a
technology that has become more popular
due to its multi-gigabit transmission rate
and associated low costs. The technology
allows easy point to point microwave
systems that may be used most typically for
backhaul. As of 2003 the FCC put in place
standards and rules specific to millimeter
wave spectrum. The “E” bands including 71-
76 GHz, 81-86 GHz, and 92-95 GHz were
designated as primary use for mmw As for the 57-64 GHz, this particular
development. These frequencies are band has special consideration due to
considered to be “pencil beam” and is the resonance of oxygen molecules as well as
highest allocated frequency spectrum. With
signal absorption by rain at this same
the mm size of the beam taking up minimal frequency. Lightpointe is a company that
space, the band is highly reusable for has created an antenna that operates as a
multiple antennas. The line of sight radios
point to point antenna at the 60 GHz band
are considered to have transmission that has high transmission security and
comparable to fiber-optic cables. Specific to interference resistance and transmits up to
the E- band the requirements must be met
2.5 Gbps.
according to 47 C.F.R. § 101.141.
3500 Regency Parkway • Cary, NC 27518 • 919.468.0112 Office • 919.466.5414 Fax •