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Published Decisions by the Special Master

        Functional Impairment and Validity Testing
 e post all decisions the Special Masters
 Wdesignate to be published on the   The Claims Administrator denied the claim on two grounds: retained functional impairment that

 Settlement Website (under “Documents” click   “indicate[s] a higher level of functioning than would be generally consistent with the Settlement
 “Special Master” below “Published Decisions”).
 Click here to read the decisions published so   criteria for Level 2 Neurocognitive Impairment,” and invalid neuropsychological testing. On

 far. To preserve confidentiality, we remove all   March 19, 2021, the Special Master found that the absence of an informant interview, coupled
 personal identifying information before making   with a documented history of depression and the Diagnosing Physician’s inadequate analysis
 them available on the website. We encourage   of the relationship between it and the

 you to check the Settlement Website often and   Player’s functional impairment left a gap that
 read any new decisions because they serve as   justified the denial. Regarding test validity,   Who are the AAP? The Appeals
 guidance for the consideration of the same or   the neuropsychologist’s discussion of the   Advisory Panel or AAP consists
 similar issues and principles in later decisions.    majority of the Slick criteria was conclusory   of board-certified neurologists

 Let us know if you have questions about any of   and the Special Master deferred to the AAP’s   whom the Court approved to make
                                                                    recommendations to the Court
 the posted rulings or how they might affect you.   independent medical judgment that the Slick   and the Special Masters, upon

        criteria indicated that the Player’s testing                their request, about the medical
 Three recent Special Master rulings that affect Monetary Award Claims are now on the site:  provided an invalid measure of his abilities.  aspects of the Settlement and to

                                                                    review claims for certain Qualifying
 Functional Impairment  Slick Criteria and CDR Scoring              Diagnoses.

 In this March 10, 2021 decision, the Special Master examined whether the claim was wrongly   Who are the AAPC? The Appeals
 denied in part because of evidence of the nature of the Player’s driving. For a Qualifying   The Special Master issued this decision on   Advisory Panel Consultants are
 Diagnosis of Level 2 Neurocognitive Impairment, the Settlement Agreement requires evidence   April 27, 2021, explaining that the AAP should   board-certified neuropsychologists
 of functional impairment generally consistent with a CDR 2 rating in Community Affairs,   defer to a clinician’s Slick-criteria-based   approved by the Court to give

 meaning that a Class Member has “[n]o pretense of independent function outside [the] home.”   analysis when it results from reasoning   advice about neuropsychological
        completely articulated and contemporaneous                  testing and cognitive impairment to
 Nothing in the Agreement categorically states that a Level 2 Diagnosis is incompatible with   reports unless the analysis is clearly
 continuing to drive. But the fact and extent of this retained functional ability is one of several   erroneous. A Slick analysis is not clearly   the Court, Special Masters, Claims

 factors that together help clinicians, including the AAP Members and Consultants, evaluate   erroneous because a member of the AAP   Administrator, and/or AAP doctors.
 a Claim. It was the AAP Consultant’s independent view that the Player’s retained ability to

 transport himself, his loved ones, and those he mentors on a daily basis was inconsistent with   or the Claims Administrator disagrees with
 a CDR Score of 2 in Community Affairs. The Player disagreed with the weight that the AAP   the conclusion that the neuropsychologist made. The Special Master deferred to the first
 Consultant gave to this factor. But that disagreement about weighting, argued at length, is   AAP Consultant who reviewed the Slick analysis and found that it was cogent and addressed
 not clear and convincing evidence that the AAP’s judgment (which the Claims Administrator   each relevant factor.  The Special Master also concluded that the Player’s CDR, along with

 adopted) was wrong. The Special Master also stressed that Counsel must take reasonable   his neuropsychological test results, indicate that he is eligible for benefits associated with a
 steps to verify the accuracy of Claims made in their filings, especially when relying on   qualifying diagnosis of Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment instead of Level 2 Neurocognitive
 Claimants whose memory may be fading.  Impairment that the Diagnosing Physician found.

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