Page 4 - 2nd Quarter 2021 NFL Newsletter - Class Members
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Communicating with Diagnosing Physicians Recent Revisions to Existing FAQs
he Qualified BAP Providers and You or your authorized representatives may In our quarterly Status Reports we file with the Court, we describe all new FAQs and
TQualified MAF Physicians who serve communicate with diagnosing physicians changes to existing FAQs. As reported in Claims Administrator Status Report No.12
this Program follow the requirements and their office staff in the way that you filed on May 13, 2021, we recently made substantive revisions to six existing FAQs:
of the Settlement Agreement to make would communicate with a doctor you
decisions on diagnoses are seeing for an exam.
and diagnosis dates You may cover matters 1 FAQ 4 (“Who are the settlement FAQ 109 (“What must the medical
using their independent Important! You should not such as scheduling administrators?”), to add a note about records show for Level 1.5 and Level 2
Neurocognitive Impairment diagnoses
the BAP Administrator;
medical judgment. If you attempt to instruct or appointments, payment 3
disagree with a provider’s influence how physicians: for the exam, requesting made in the BAP by Qualified BAP
decision or have any other records from the exam, FAQ 95 (“What kind of communications Providers?”), to include in the Reminder
concerns about an exam 1. perform an exam, correcting factual things may I have with the Qualified MAF a definition of “domestic partner”; and
or diagnosis, contact us or 2. determine if there is a the records may have Physician?”), to clarify permissible
the BAP Administrator. We Qualifying Diagnosis, or wrong, and the doctor’s communications about diagnoses and FAQs 277 (“Whom do I contact with
will evaluate everything and diagnosis and advice. 2 to require those communicating on a questions about Liens?”), 280 (“What
follow up with the provider 3. assign a Qualifying Settlement Class Member’s behalf to information must a government health
as appropriate. Diagnosis date. obtain the Settlement Class Member’s insurer provide to assert a Medical
permission; 4 Lien?”) and 314 (“Whom do I contact
with questions about Liens?”), to
FAQ 95 provides guidance on this subject to you and your authorized representatives provide an updated email address for
and sets out specific communications and actions that are not appropriate. the BAP Administrator.
4 INSIGHTS Class Members Edition Second Quarter 2021 Second Quarter 2021 INSIGHTS Class Members Edition 5