Page 7 - November 2020 Newsletter - Lawyers Edition
P. 7


 New Evidence

 If any Party to the Appeal has new evidence
 not submitted to the Claims Administrator
 before the Claims Administrator issued the
 Appealable Notice that it wishes considered
 on the Appeal, it must identify such evidence
 and submit it to the Claims Administrator along

 with the submission by that Party in which it
 wishes to include the new evidence.

 The Special Master will determine whether   Published Decisions by the Special Master
 to permit the Party to introduce the new
 evidence. If the Special Master determines   e post all decisions the Special Masters designate to be published on the Settlement
 not to allow introduction of the new evidence,
 the Appeal will proceed without it and no   WWebsite (under “Documents” click “Special Master” below “Published Decisions”). To

 Party to the Appeal may refer to or rely upon   preserve confidentiality, we remove all personal identifying information before making them
 it. If the Special Master determines to allow   available on the website. Click here to read the decisions published so far. We encourage you
 introduction of the new evidence, the Special   to check the Settlement Website often and read any new decisions because they serve as
 Master may remand the Claim to the Claims   guidance for the consideration of the same or similar issues and principles in later decisions.
 Administrator under Rule 24 for re-review   One recent Special Master ruling that affects Monetary Award Claims is now on the site:
 using the new evidence (Rule 23(c)), or may
 provide an opportunity to the Party to the   Deviation from BAP Criteria
 Appeal to respond to such evidence.
        On October 28, 2020, the Special Master                 BAP criteria. Though it is true that some test
        issued contextually similar decisions for               variables overlap, the AAP’s analysis is more
        six claimants, represented by the same law              individuated and focuses on the goals of the
 There are also Appeals FAQs   firm, who each were evaluated by the same   tests and their relationship to establishing a
 in the FAQs (Frequently Asked   neuropsychologist using a non-conforming   reliable and meaningful exam. As the AAP
 Questions) section of the   neuropsychological test battery and were   concluded, “no reasonable substitutes”
 Settlement Website to help   diagnosed with Level 2 Neurocognitive   existed for important parts of the Settlement’s

 explain these Rules and their   Impairment by the same physician. The   evaluative exams, the doctor’s methods
 implementation. If you have   Special Master explained that the Claims   did not provide internal indicia of validity in
 questions about the Appeals   Administrator and its expert advisors must   the way that the Settlement requires, and
 process, please share them with   evaluate both the test battery as a whole   the doctor paid no attention to qualitative
 us by phone or email.   and its application to each claimant to   evidence of validity through the Slick criteria.
        determine if a claimant’s diagnosis is generally
        consistent with the BAP requirements. The               Click here to read one of the six decisions on
        AAP determined that these claimants’ test               deviation from BAP Criteria.
        battery was not generally consistent with the

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