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P. 7

                  e post all decisions the Special Masters designate to be published on the Settlement
 The Claims Administrator denied the Player’s   WWebsite (under “Documents” click “Special Master” below “Published Decisions”).
 claim and during the pending appeal, the claim   Click here to read the decisions published so far. We encourage you to check the
 was placed into audit. The Claims Administrator   Settlement Website often and read any new decisions because they serve as guidance for
 provisionally found a potentially material piece of   the consideration of the same or similar issues and principles in later decisions.  Let us know
 evidence to be fabricated, which led it to doubt
 the trustworthiness of a key source of information   if you have questions about any of the posted rulings or how they might affect you.
 about the Player’s functional impairment. That
 source was subsequently excluded from the   New FAQs and Recent Revisions to Existing FAQs
 record so the appeal could move forward.

 Published Special   However, the Settlement Program demands   In our quarterly Status Reports we file with the Court, we describe all new FAQs and changes to
 that its fiduciaries work efficiently to pay valid
          existing FAQs. As reported in Claims Administrator Status Report No.13 filed on July 29, 2021,
 Master Decisions   claims: one of the Special Masters’ primary   we added two new FAQs in the Special Master Appeal Decisions category:
 duties is to make sure that the documentation
 and evidence that they rely upon as custodians   FAQ 373. Is the diagnosing physician required to interview a knowledgeable
 Three recent Special Master rulings   of the Monetary Award Fund is reliable. As a   informant as part of the CDR evaluation?

 that affect Monetary Award Claims are   result, on June 3, 2021, the Special Master
 now on the site:  ordered the Claims Administrator to reopen   FAQ 374. Is driving generally consistent with the required CDR scores for
                               Level 2 Neurocognitive Impairment?
 Functional Impairment  the audit and make findings about whether any
 of the Player’s statements and documentary   We also made substantive revisions to five existing FAQs:
 Relying on the review and recommendations   submissions misrepresented or omitted material
 of an AAPC and AAP Member, the Claims   facts, and if any misrepresentations were found,   1  We revised FAQ 103 (“What does “generally consistent” mean?”) to clarify further what
 Administrator denied the Player’s claim for Level   what role the Player’s law firm had in such   “generally consistent” means based on a published Special Master decision;
 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment. The Claims   misrepresentations.  For FAQ 109 (“What must the medical records show for Level 1.5 and Level 2
 Administrator comprehensively explained   2  Neurocognitive Impairment diagnoses made in the BAP by Qualified BAP Providers?”), we
 why the Player’s diagnosis was not generally   Slick Analysis and Functional   added a Reminder explaining what it means for cognitive deficits to occur exclusively in
 consistent with the Settlement criteria for Level   the context of a delirium, acute substance abuse, or as a result of medication side effects,
 1.5 Neurological Impairment, specifically criteria   Impairment  and noted that a diagnosing physician may reschedule a Retired NFL Football Player’s
 (ii) evidence of moderate to severe cognitive   The Claims Administrator denied this claim   appointment if he or she believes that the Player’s clinical presentation may be, in part, the
 decline . . . in two or more cognitive domains   on multiple grounds, including unaddressed   result of substance abuse or medication side effects;
 and criteria (iii) functional impairment. As FAQ   Slick validity criteria and an unclear and
 113 makes clear, the Diagnosing Physician’s   underdeveloped record regarding the   3  We revised FAQ 364 (“How should a Qualified MAF Physician apply the Generally
 report is a key document in evaluating whether   Player’s daily cognitive functioning. On July   Consistent standard when making a Qualifying Diagnosis? How will the Claims
 the Player has adequately come forward with   1, 2021, the Special Master found that the   Administrator confirm that a Qualifying Diagnosis is Generally Consistent with the
 evidence of his functional impairment. That   neuropsychologist’s assessment fell well short   Settlement criteria?”) to include information about how the Claims Administrator confirms
 report is supposed to pull together the Player’s   of a thorough consideration of the claim’s   that a Qualifying Diagnosis is generally consistent with the Settlement criteria;
 medical history, relevant documents and the   inconsistencies and instances of potential   In FAQ 367 (“Does my evaluating physician need to address my medication side-effects or
 physician’s articulated judgment. The Special   invalidity and did not reflect an articulated   4  other conditions that may affect my cognitive function when deciding whether I have a
 Master upheld the denial in this May 28, 2021   judgment about the Slick criteria. The clinician   Qualifying Diagnosis?”), we added a reference to a Special Master decision about the use
 decision, concluding that the MAF Physician’s   also failed, to the extent feasible, to attempt to   of alcohol or other substances and its effect on cognitive function; and
 report and supplemental email concerning the   isolate the functional impairment due to cognitive
 Player’s functional impairment do not establish   loss alone and assign a CDR rating based solely   5  FAQ 372 (“Do the Claims Administrator and/or the AAP defer to the clinician’s judgment when
 a CDR  of 1, and thus cannot support an overall   on cognitive loss, as required by the Settlement.  reviewing the Slick criteria?) was revised to elaborate on the meaning of “clearly erroneous.”
 award of Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment.

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