Page 39 - Shaw Wall of Honor
P. 39

men and women. While there is a place for women-only insurance groups, I think it is equally okay, personally, for there to be men- only insurance groups. My point on this is that in exclusivity, you miss out on the diversity of thought, so there is an inherent imbalance.
I have seen an increase in highlighting women agency owners over the past five to ten years especially. One of the reasons I love sharing my story is to be a beacon of inspiration for other women(andmentoo).Ithinkwomeninherently do well in the insurance space. I have been blessed to be surrounded by strong women who are committed to pouring into others! Yet, let’s also acknowledge that there are some women who see other women as competition and thus don’t have the space to champion them. While I see this mindset dwindling, it can be a barrier some women need to navigate. While this is a wide generalization, from the outside looking in, I don’t see this type of dynamic playing out with men, but maybe that’s because I am not in their shoes?
I want to be invited because I am an agency owner and I bring value, I have something to contribute, and not just because I’m a token woman.
While I love to see more and more female agency owners, I don't want to be invited into a space simply because of my anatomy; I find a charity invite an insult. I want to be invited because I am an agency owner and I bring value, I have something to contribute, and not just because I’m a token woman. It's important to me to earn invitations on my own merit, not because of my gender. Being included doesn’t feel good if it’s not out of the right motivation.
Lastly, I have learned to embrace my femininity as a strength and frankly many times a competitive advantage. When I first started as an owner, I had a short moment in time where I felt like I had to adopt male-like traits that are not authentic to me in order to become successful. I have also seen a tendency in some women to overachieve in an effort to be seen as legit. I have come to appreciate the unique perspective and strength that I bring to the table. The ability to approach challenges with empathy, emotional intelligence, and adaptability has become another competitive advantage. My leadership style is different. By embracing my identity as a woman in business I have been able to challenge traditional norms, introduce fresh perspectives, and embark on a journey that requires resilience, determination, and self-belief.
In closing, surround yourself with men and women who will encourage you. Find a mentor who will pour into you. Be intentional regarding to what and whom you give your energy and focus. Speak up and step up to the plate knowing that there are FAR more people who will be rooting you on—and the ones who don’t, they don’t matter! Lift others up, and you will lift yourself up. There is great strength in just being you, authentically as a women!

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