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Life&Style  |  AUTUMN 2022

                                                                                                                               SS Maheno Shipwreck is one
                                                                                                                               of the world’s first turbine
                                                                                                                               steamers and was shipwrecked
                                                                                                                               in 1935. This is an impressive
        A WEEKEND GUIDE TO                                                                                                     shipwreck, perfect for photos
           Fraser Island                                                                                                       and exploration.

                                                                                                                               The Pinnacles More than 70
                                                                                                                               different colours of sand granules
                                                                                                                               make up the incredible yellow,
                                                                                                                               orange and red landscape.
                                                                                                                               Butchulla legend says the sand
                                                                                                                               formations were formed by the
                                                                                                                               rainbow serpent protecting his
                                                                                                                               lover from her jealous husband.

                                                                                                                               Champagne Pools These crystal-
                                                                                                                               clear rock pools are home to a
                                                                                                                               unique collection of marine life,
                                                                                                                               including small fish, crustaceans
                                                                                                                               and colourful sea sponges. Bring
                                                                                                                               your snorkel and explore!

        WE’VE PULLED together a guide       What to pack:                       80km per hour. Keep your eyes
        that will make your next trip to    T Reef-safe sunscreen               peeled for migrating whales or                 DAY 2
        Fraser Island one to remember.      T Hat, towel and swimmers           dingoes as you drive.                          STOP 1: Hike to Lake
                                            T Reef shoes and snorkels
        How to get there:                                                                                                      Wabby
                                            T Insect repellent                  Where to stop:
        Head to River Heads Ferry           T  Spare fuel and a 4WD                                                            Head inland to experience Lake      STOP 3: Cool off at Lake
        Terminal, just 20 minutes south       recovery kit                      Eli Creek is a beautiful large                 Wabby and its beautiful emerald-    McKenzie
        of Hervey Bay, to jump on a         T  Check the weather and tides      flowing body of freshwater on                  coloured waters. Be sure to         This lake is a must! The beautiful
        50-minute ferry ride across the       to plan your trip                 the island. Bring an inflatable                prepare for the 40-minute hike up   blue of the water alongside the
        Great Sandy Straits to Fraser       T  Vehicle access permit and        so you can float around on this                nearby sand dunes to get there.     pure white sand is breathtaking
        Island.                               check in with park alerts         natural waterpark.                                                                 and makes a perfect spot for
                                              before you leave                                                                 STOP 2: Picnic at Central           relaxing after a long day of hiking.
        If you’re planning on bringing
        your own 4WD make sure to           DAY 1                                                                              Station                             Fraser Island is just east of
        purchase your vehicle permit                                                                                           Central Station is the historic     Hervey Bay. While you’re in the
        online or over the phone with       75 Mile Beach                                                                      heart of the island, originally set   area, drop into Thyme Hervey Bay
        Queensland Parks and Wildlife                                                                                          up as a forestry camp. Pack a       and The Anchorage to explore
        Service before you head off.        Cruise down 75 Mile Beach,                                                         picnic for lunch and explore the    these stunning over 50s lifestyle
                                            a long golden stretch of sand                                                                                          resorts. To book an appointment
        If you don’t have your own, hiring   where rainforest meets the sea,                                                   rainforest canopies, the clear
        a 4WD is easy and a great way to    in your 4WD. This sand highway                                                     waters of Wanggoolba Creek,         call Thyme on 1300 585 882 or
                                                                                                                                                                   The Anchorage on 1300 045 645.
        explore the island.                 has a maximum speed limit of                                                       and the unique fauna of the area.

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