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                                                                                        Serenitas’ The Anchorage community at Hervey Bay

                                    Building a brand

              With 25 communities under its belt and the sector’s

              largest balance sheet, land lease operator Serenitas

            is poised for further growth – with opportunity for the

            sector to put 10,000 homes on the ground a year, says

                      CEO and Executive Chairman Rob Nichols.

                                                BY LAUREN BROOMHAM

                     acked by Singaporean sovereign           Looking for an opportunity in the
                 Bwealth fund GIC, Serenitas has over         retirement village sector, he developed
                 2,500 development sites in its portfolio     an interest in manufactured housing
                 – and is on the hunt for further             estates and began looking for investors
                 greenfield and partnership                   to partner with him on a venture.
                                                              “I took the model to a number of the
                 Leading the group is Rob, who first came     investors I had worked with in the past in
                 across the land lease sector in 2010 while   Australia and overseas, and they were
                 working in private equity.                   interested, but when it came to writing a

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