Page 4 - Building a brand
P. 4

ISSUE 29 — 14  M AY  2022

                 “My team has acquired over 50 pure land      Longer-term, Rob hopes that Australia’s
                 lease communities between Tasman             land lease sector will see a re-rating
                 Lifestyle, Gateway and Serenitas. So, we     towards the penetration rates of the US.
                 are very good at accommodating vendors’
                 tax structuring as well making sure they get  “We hope to be the best operator of land
                 the optimal outcome.                         lease communities,” he summed up.

                 “In terms of joint ventures, we have taken   “We will seek to continue to grow sensibly
                 on a number of developments which have       over time.”
                 been started prior to our involvement,
                 and then brought in both capital and
                 expertise to assist those developments
                 to grow quicker.”                             “If you look at that penetration
                                                                  of the US versus Australia,
                 Often, the group will provide the operational
                 expertise, leaving the development profits       there is an opportunity for
                 and sales with the developer.                    Serenitas and the industry
                                                                  on a wider basis to go from
                 “We have a couple of sites where that has
                 worked well for both parties because we       a capacity of 2,500 new homes
                 end up with a community in a strategic           a year to 10,000 in the next
                 location and they end up with the
                 development profits, and we can bring            five years. We want to have
                 a very flexible capital structure to that         our share of that 10,000.”
                 equation, which makes it lower risk for
                 the developer.”

                 Australia could reach 10,000 land lease
                 homes a year

                  Rob (pictured left) at the opening of The Vantage at Vasse’s Clubhouse

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